
I cooked salmon in my dishwasher as a joke — and the results surprised me - New York Post

Call it a fish-washer.

Tide pods aren’t the only dishwasheritem people are eating: A UK woman raised eyebrows on the internet after cooking salmon in this plate-cleaning contraption — which she said turned out “absolutely fine.”

“I was surprised it worked. It wasn’t inedible in the end!” Angie Matthews, 53, told South West News Service of her bizarre epicurean experiment.

Angie Matthews.
“It was still absolutely fine and I did eat it!” exclaimed Angie Matthews. SWNS

The Shropshire resident had reportedly dreamt up the bizarre idea midway through moving house, when the only appliance she had left was a dishwasher.

So, out of curiosity, The Brit looked up how to cook salmon fillets using the dish jacuzzi online, evoking a hack Martha Stewart might MacGyver in the can.

“It was more of a test to see if it would work,” described Matthews, who is currently unemployed. “I was stressed at the time and I felt like making myself laugh a little bit.”

After wrapping the fish in two layers of tinfoil — presumably to shield it from getting mangled by the machine — the homeowner placed the filets in the dishwasher and hoped for the best.

Unfortunately, Matthews said she forgot to turn off the “intensive” setting on her impromptu oven, which resulted in the salmon getting a bit “overcooked.”

However, the hack nonetheless turned out better than she thought.

“I wasn’t really expecting it to work,” gushed Matthews. “But it was still absolutely fine and I did eat it!”

The salmon.
The finished product. SWNS

The salmon was paired with potatoes and peas — although she admitted to asking a neighbor to cook those instead.

Needless to say, the commentariat was quick to roast her over the unortho-Lox salmon-steaming method. “If you close your eyes it looks lovely,” quipped one wit, while another joked, “Please send me the recipe.”

Matthews now reportedly cooks her food in an air fryer, which she’s fallen “in love with.”

However, the home cook insists she “wouldn’t rule out using the dishwasher again,” but would just make sure to use a “shorter cycle” in the future.

Matthews isn’t the first to cook salmon in the ol’ silverware scrubber. In October, Florida Foodfluencer Elaine Lainey Zany demonstrated the alleged “perfect” way to fish-wash sockeye in a video with over 2 million views.

“Start with your salmon fillet, add some lemon as desired, then I use some fresh herbs like dill and rosemary,” she explained. “Next thing I came with [was] garlic, and some butter and salt and pepper to taste.”

Finally, she wrapped the filet in aluminum foil with no holes and put it in the appliance’s top rack for a full wash and dry cycle so it reached 145 degrees Fahrenheit — the USDA-recommended temperature for salmon.

“When it’s done, pull it out, open it up and enjoy,” she said, before chowing on the “perfectly cooked” product.

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2024-03-12 17:03:00Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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