
Create TV To Launch Its 2024 Cooking Challenge - Forbes

Create TV, the lifestyle channel focusing on food, travel and DIY crafts, will launch its 2024 “Create Cooking Challenge” on March 5.

The theme of the challenge will be "Easy Peasy," focusing on cooking demonstrations of recipes that consist of six or less ingredients.

With this challenge, Create is “looking for new talent for an exclusive opportunity to record a Create digital video short series,” the channel said.

The goal of the challenge’s theme is to identify “recipes that require only a handful of ingredients but result in a delicious dish,” added Create.

Video submissions for the "Create Cooking Challenge: Easy Peasy" open March 5, 2024, and close April 9, 2024.

The “Create Cooking Challenge: Easy Peasy” winners will be chosen by three judges, who will screen video submissions that demonstrate each entrant’s presentation style as the entrant’s recipe is prepared.

Create said the judges will rate submissions “based on an entrant’s demonstrated knowledge, ability to present ideas succinctly, overall telegenic appeal, uniqueness and production values.”

Beside winning a cash prize and video production equipment, the challenge’s grand prize winner will produce their own 10-part video series for

Entrants can range from professional chefs to home cooks. and their two-minute video submissions should feature their recipe consisting of six ingredients or less, Create added.

This year's judges include Buki Elegbede, Bridget Lancaster and Sara Moulton.

Elegbede won the 2017 Create Cooking Challenge with his 10-part digital video series, Baked by Buki, exclusively available on His new series coming to Create this year, Table for All with Buki Elegbede, will focus, Create said, “on culture, diversity and inclusion in the state of New Jersey through the lens of food.”

Lancaster, executive editorial editor and co-host of America’s Test Kitchen and Cook’s Country, is the lead instructor for America’s Test Kitchen Online Cooking School, creating hundreds of instructional videos. In her earlier career she was a restaurant pastry chef in the South and Northeast of the United States.

Moulton is a chef, author and host of Sara’s Weeknight Meals. A protégée of Julia Child, she also was the former executive chef of Gourmet magazine, food editor of ABC’s Good Morning America and host of several shows on the Food Network during that channel’s first decade.

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