
Cooking in Quarantine: Greek Yogurt Pancakes - Wall Street Journal

Greek yogurt pancakes are extra fluffy and work with any kind of yogurt substitutions, an adaptable recipe for quarantine.

Photo: Celeste Noche for The Wall Street Journal

It’s comforting just looking at a stack of pancakes, griddled until evenly golden, a pat of butter melting into a pool on top.


TOTAL TIME: 20 minutes

MAKES: about 8 pancakes

1 cup all-purpose flour

½ cup whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

¾ teaspoon kosher salt

3 eggs

½ cup Greek yogurt, or substitute whole-milk yogurt or sour cream

¾ cup almond milk or whole milk

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon neutral oil such as grapeseed or canola oil, plus more for greasing

Butter and maple syrup, for serving

In this recipe, Greek yogurt keeps the pancakes unfailingly moist and fluffy, and also gives them a pleasant tang. Whole-wheat flour lends some nutty nuance, but if that isn’t something you keep in your pantry, substituting more all-purpose flour works just fine. These are delicious with butter and maple syrup, but it’s worth giving them a try with fresh fruit, jam or even powdered sugar.

1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, yogurt, milk, vanilla and 1 tablespoon oil until you see no streaks of yolk. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and whisk until smooth.

2. Lightly grease a large nonstick skillet or griddle with oil and place over medium-high heat. Spoon ¼ cup batter onto hot surface. Cook pancake, undisturbed, until tiny bubbles form on top and bottom is deeply golden-brown, 2-3 minutes. Flip and continue to cook until fluffy and deeply golden brown all over, about 2 minutes. Continue with remaining batter, reducing heat if skillet begins to smoke. If too much oil begins to accumulate, wipe out skillet and lightly grease again.

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2020-04-30 22:22:00Z

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