
Cooking And Coping: Making Garlic Sesame Noodles With Gloria Hwang In Los Angeles - Forbes

Cooking And Coping is a series by @HungryEditor profiling people on what they are cooking and how they are coping in this world of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gloria Hwang is the founder and CEO of Thousand. Even though Hwang is a long-time cyclist, the Los Angeles resident was not a fan of wearing a helmet because they were too “sci-fi” and too hard to lug around. However, after losing a friend to a fatal bike accident, Hwang knew she and the community needed to change and embrace safety. Hwang emptied her savings account and convinced friends to help her build Thousand. The once little-known bike helmet brand is now recognized internationally for sleek retro-inspired helmet designs and can be found in premium retailers such as Nordstrom and REI. You can follow Thousand on Instagram: @explorethousand.

Benjamin Liong Setiawan: What recipe are you loving right now?

Gloria Hwang: Garlic Sesame Noodles.

Garlic Sesame Noodles

8 oz spaghetti

5 garlic cloves, minced or grated 

2 green onions, chopped

2 tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp grape seed oil

2 tbsp oyster sauce

2 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp sugar (to taste)

  1. Boil water for spaghetti. 
  2. While the water is boiling combine garlic, sauces, and sugar in a small bowl.
  3. Drain spaghetti into a bigger bowl (with a lid, pyrex works well).
  4. Add sauce and green onions. Stir and shake. 
  5. Serve alongside grilled chicken or salmon or with shredded cabbage and edamame for a salad. 

Setiawan: How did you come across this recipe? 

Hwang: I got it from my older sister. I'm a non-cook learning how to cook during this new world, so I'm starting with a few easy family recipes.  

Setiawan: What do you love about this recipe?

Hwang: It reminds me of growing up. My parents would make me this as a kid, so I feel super nostalgic anytime I get to eat homemade Asian food. 

Setiawan: Any special memories connected to this recipe?

Hwang: Making this recipe for the first time was a special memory for me! My sisters both live in Texas, and I live in California, so we don't get to see each other as much as we want to. Since I'm learning how to cook, and we can't travel right now, we made it together while FaceTiming. 

Setiawan: Once people are able to meet up IRL again, who is the first person you want to make this recipe for?

Hwang: My family. I'm getting heckled in the family text thread for my cooking adventures during self isolation (because I was so awful before), so it'll be nice to show them I can actually make something tasty! 

Setiawan: What are some ways you're coping with spending more time indoors and social distancing?

Hwang: Keeping my regular work schedule and daily routines have been important. For me, holding on to as much consistency as possible helps me maintain some normalcy in my life. I still make plans with friends most nights too. The main difference is now it's all digital.  

Setiawan: What are you doing to stay sane?

Hwang: On a personal level, I tend to always try and find the positive in a situation. And right now, that means feeling grateful that I get to learn new things and tackle projects I've wanted to do, but never had time for. Currently, I'm doing home reno projects, taking online classes, and learning how to cook! Also Netflix...a lot of Netflix. 

Setiawan: What are you doing to stay creative? 

Hwang: I love design in all forms, so I'm finally getting around to renovating my home office. A timely message, but I just bought a flag for the office that says "Don't Give Up the Ship" to hang above my desk. 

Setiawan: What are you doing to stay connected?

Hwang: Zoom, Slack, Gchat, Netflix Party, you name it. In a fun way, this experience has reconnected me to a lot of old friends I haven't talked to in a while. Since everyone is at home with nothing to do, it's easy to jump on a Zoom call with 10 friends, and with no notice play a bar game together.

Setiawan: What gives you hope?

Hwang: That despite how difficult the situation is, there is so much humanity and global citizenship right now. There are healthcare and essential workers taking care of vulnerable populations, countries donating supplies and sharing knowledge, and individuals taking care of their neighbors and communities. It's a beautiful thing to watch people come together. 

Setiawan: What are you learning from all of this?  

Hwang: Things that seemed important three months ago, aren't so important now. All that matters is that the people you love are safe and healthy. 

Setiawan: What changes do you hope to see in the future?

Hwang: To work together more globally. One thing I've been impressed by is how some countries, like Taiwan, have managed to mitigate this situation. For me, learning from other countries with more knowledge and experience, in areas where we don't have expertise, can take us so much further, than we can by ourselves. 

Setiawan: What rhythms are you implementing during this time? 

Hwang: Self reflection. I tend to be a go-go-go person, and this has forced me to slow down. Taking slow mornings and mid-day walks are good for creativity and productivity. Funny how it sometimes takes a global event to get you to do the littlest things in life. 

Setiawan: What projects are you working on? 

Hwang: Thousand launched a Courier Care program a few weeks ago, giving bike couriers delivering essential supplies a free helmet during this time. The response has been really amazing so far, and this initiative has allowed our team a way to give back to people who deserve it.  

We're also launching our largest sustainability commitment to date and some new products, so stay tuned. 

Setiawan: What has been the most surprising?

Hwang: That I'm a bigger extrovert than I thought...

Setiawan: What has been the most inspiring?

Hwang: People all over the world are taking individual action to keep their families and other vulnerable populations safe by social distancing. It's one of those times that individual action really does matter. While difficult, it's inspiring to me to see people rise to the occasion.

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2020-05-01 01:55:17Z

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