
What to Cook This Weekend - New York Times

Good morning. It’s happening this weekend, no matter how the weather turns out in your part of the world: Spring’s springing in my mind, and I’m going to cook outside. I’ll do so even if I have to stand under an umbrella in the park, wearing my snowmobiler costume. I’ll fire up the grill.

I haven’t made mixed grill since October. It’s been so long since I baby-backed. It’s been months since I grilled romaine. So I want to get to it, burn some things, then grill the last of the apples from the crisper, get them soft and smoky, serve them with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

No? I’m still too early for you? Your plan for the weekend involves couch-coziness, reading the new Colson Whitehead, maybe watching this guy Rich from Massachusetts rebuild a Tesla on YouTube, spending just $6,500?

I have your recipe: Alison Roman’s new spicy noodle soup with mushrooms and herbs (above). Wow, is it good-looking. Act now, before it’s #thesoup on Instagram, and no one makes it any more because you can’t turn around in the office pantry without someone pulling a bowl of the stuff out of the microwave and talking about how good it is. We’re on the ground floor with this recipe, folks. Be the first in your neighborhood to fall in love with it.

Other meals to cook this weekend include this old jam for the chicken dinner known as country captain, a recipe that has been a Lowcountry staple in the United States for close to 200 years. Also, hasselback kielbasa. And sheet-pan trout with garlicky broccolini.

You could make this chocolate mug cake this weekend, a good recipe to teach the teenager in your house who previously used one from “the internet” and scorched your favorite coffee mug (from Guild Hall in East Hampton, as it happens).

Or, heading in another direction entirely, this could be a good time to make David Tanis’s classic leeks vinaigrette, maybe in advance of Melissa Clark’s French onion soup or my recipe for smothered pork chops. Alliums! So great.

But whatever you do? Please make time to read Gabrielle Hamilton’s “Eat” column for The Times this week, then make her recipe for an anchovy-garlic dressing, a heavy lifter of a sauce that will make your eating superior not just all weekend long, but into the weekdays that follow. Make a double portion. You’ll use it a lot.

There are thousands and thousands more recipes waiting for you to discover them on NYT Cooking. (Like, are you planning yet for Easter? Or Passover? We’ll come in handy, I promise, whether you’re cooking ham or lamb.) Simply take out a subscription to our site and apps, and you’ll be able to access them all.

You can find further inspiration on our Instagram and Twitter feeds — and within our NYT Cooking community on Facebook as well. If you run into problems with anything, you can reach us at I monitor myself.

Now, there’s not much food to it save for some excellent late-night pasta eating in the kitchen, but I think “Shrill”on Hulu is worth your time.

Queen Victoria opened the Royal Albert Hall in London on this day in 1871. Here is Eric Clapton playing the venue live in 2015, a super-extended dad-shredder version of “Cocaine.”

Finally, in case you maybe missed it this week, I spent a morning on the “Today” show cooking no-recipe recipes with Al Roker to feed Carson and Hoda and Savannah and Craig, and then Kathie Lee showed up at the end. We had a good time. Have a great weekend.

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2019-03-29 14:31:41Z

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