
Does cooking vegetables increase their nutrient value? - Sampson Independent


Eating vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts understand them as a valuable source of phytochemicals. Antioxidants are powerful substances stabilizing free radicals (cell-destroying atoms) in our body and helpful in disease prevention. Because of this benefit, consuming vegetables is linked to decreased incidence of cancer, heart disease, and degenerative illness.

It has been said eating raw vegetables provides the best nutrients. While this may be the case for most veggies, cooking actually increases nutrient value in some vegetables. There appears to be positive and negative feedback in current research on how veggies are prepared. According to an article published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, antioxidants are enhanced when some vegetables are cooked. So while eating vegetables is good and recommended for improved health, cooking appears to make some even more nutritious. Here are just a few of the named ones that benefit from being cooked. Tomatoes, Broccoli, Carrots, Pumpkin which includes other winter squash, and asparagus.

Tomatoes are scientifically labeled a fruit, but for cooking purposes, they are referred to as a vegetable. They are nutrient dense and a rich source of vitamin C and lycopene.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable with superior antioxidant properties. Research has indicated broccoli contains phytochemicals, carotenoids, polyphenols, and glycosylates. It is also a rich source of lutein. Steaming and broiling broccoli are preferred methods of cooking to enhance the nutrients.

Carrots are a popular root vegetable. They are a rich source of beta-carotene, fiber, and numerous vitamins and minerals. Carrots provide antioxidant health benefits attributed mostly to high concentrations of vitamin A beta-carotene . Research indicated boiling carrots increased all carotenoids. Boiling carrots retained the most vitamin C and carotenoids. It is suggested to use the best cooking method for carrots and all vegetables to preserve or improve nutritional and antioxidant qualities.

Pumpkin belong to the Cucurbita family and you may be surprised to discover they’re a fruit. Because they lack sweetness and more savory, pumpkins are also related to winter squash, cucumbers, and cantaloupes. According to research, pumpkins are an excellent source of antioxidants and fiber. Cooking is said to release compounds like lycopene and carotenoids making them easier to absorb. Pumpkins also contain numerous vitamins and minerals and considered a heart-healthy food. The health benefits of consuming cooked pumpkin include reducing the risk of certain cancers, managing diabetes, reducing hypertension, and improved eye health. Cooked pumpkin seeds are also a healthy snack alternative and a rich source of nutrients.

Asparagus is considered one of the most nutrionally balanced vegetables. It contains numerous vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. It does contain a tough outer lining. Cooking helps break down the thick cell walls for better absorption of essential nutrients. Asparagus is considered a heart healthy food being high in folate. Folate also helps maintain our blood cells, especially bone marrow, and promotes healthy growth and development. It’s also a rich source of vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, magnesium, niacin, and other important nutrients. The strong antioxidant properties found in cooked asparagus are shown to protect our cells, tissue, and organs by reducing oxidative damage. Asparagus is also high in fiber recommended for weight loss and a healthy diet.

Vegetables are an essential part of our daily nutrition. Cooking may enhance the nutrient value of some veggies allowing for better absorption of nutrients and antioxidants. Regardless of whether you eat them raw or cooked. The health benefits of eating a wide variety of vegetables are shown to significantly improve your health.

For more information on cooked veggies contact Lethia Lee at 910-592-7161 or [email protected]

Lethia Lee is the EFNEP Program Assistant for the Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program with the Sampson County Cooperative Extension Center.

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