
Mark Bittman’s recipe for cooking the perfect salmon - PBS NewsHour

This recipe is unusual in that it uses only 12 ounces of salmon per pound of pasta (you could use whole-wheat, or gluten-free pasta in this dish) and pound of leeks, so it encourages plant-forward cooking. It also uses the salmon skin as a garnish, so none of the fish goes to waste. It’s also really delicious.

Wild salmon is a well-managed fishery, and its fillets and steaks freeze beautifully for those times you can’t find it fresh. (Generally, the fresh season is spring-to-fall. If you live in the Northwest, you will have a far better shot at getting fresh wild salmon, but it’s available everywhere at least some of the season.)

READ NEXT: Future of Food: This genetically engineered salmon may hit U.S. markets as early as 2020

In my opinion, there’s no good reason to ever buy farmed salmon (let alone genetically engineered salmon) and, if you’re cooking at home, you have that choice. There are five choices of wild salmon: King and sockeye, which cannot be farmed, are the best, rarest, and most expensive; coho (which can be farmed, so you have to be careful if you’re looking for while); and chum and pink, which are also good but mostly frozen or canned (yet still preferable to farmed).

Mark Bittman’s Orecchiette with Salmon and Leeks by PBS NewsHour on Scribd

Recipe from Dinner for Everyone by Mark Bittman

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2019-06-22 21:26:59Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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