
The Chef Collaborator: Lessons From Cooking School On The Power Of Teamwork - Forbes

Cooking had always been something I loved, and when I was in my 20s, I found myself at a point in my life where I could explore something new. I came across a school in New York City called The French Culinary Institute (now called International Culinary Center), where Bobby Flay had trained. It had a night program, which allowed me to keep my day job at People magazine while I figured out if cooking was something I wanted to explore full time.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’d leave my marketing job at 5 p.m. on the dot, run downtown and throw on my chef coat and checkered pants. On Saturdays, we had all-day training. When I completed the nine-month program, one of the chef instructors was opening a restaurant in SoHo and asked some of us new graduates to work as line cooks. He must have liked me because I was allowed to work at night. I spent the next year working nights as a professional line chef while doing marketing during the day.

Here’s what I learned about collaboration that applies to anyone looking to build a career:

You have to earn your spot.

The irony about the restaurant industry is that all the prep happens during the day, normally around noon for dinner service.

Since I worked two jobs, I was only able to cook on the line at 5 p.m. The other cooks had to do my prep for me, and they were not thrilled with that arrangement. I started in the cold appetizers section, and they used to leave the oysters completely unshucked for me so that I would have to do them to order. I’ve never opened so many oysters in my entire life, and it was not easy. But, that was my private torture, because they did all my other prep. All my salad dressings were made; all the salad greens were cleaned. In return, I would always go the extra mile, staying late and setting them up well for the following day.

After the first month, the other line cooks recognized that, even with my different schedule, I had their backs as much as they had mine, and it was smooth sailing from there.

The fact is, when you start any job, people don’t know what you can do and what you’re worth. You come into a new organization, and all they know is your resume and a promise of what you can do. You have to earn your spot.

Be humble, and get your job done -- it’s a lot easier to succeed that way. Prove that you are not only competent, but that you’re also willing to go above and beyond for your team, even if it means getting your hands dirty.

You must embrace teamwork.

I was an athlete in high school. I’ve been on many teams and understand teamwork. However, when it’s 100 degrees in a small space with people moving nonstop for four or five hours, you really understand the value of trusting those around you. You have to collaborate and communicate effectively to get the job done.

Each person on the line has a different cooking responsibility. The expeditor, whose role is communicating the orders to the cooks, might yell, “Fire two fish,” which means cook two fish. I need to repeat the order back to the expeditor to signal that I’ve heard correctly and that I’m starting the dishes. Once I begin, I need to communicate with the other cooks to ensure our dishes will be done at the same time.

In the best scenario, the kitchen functions like a well-oiled machine. If one thing goes wrong, however, an entire meal can get thrown off course. In the cooking business, we say “in the weeds” when someone is grossly behind. If one person is in the weeds -- let’s say the person in charge of steak burns one and has to start over -- then the whole line is behind. If you don’t help them and prep the next dish, then you’re all getting yelled at by the chef.

Working together with others is key to solving problems and getting the job done -- in the kitchen as well as in any other team environment. For any of my fellow marketers looking to learn more about this, I’ve written about how you can maintain clear and consistent lines of communication with your teams, including utilizing the proper technologies and the importance of reiterating your key messages across various channels.

You need the right cooks in the kitchen.

I never stopped marketing, but I did eventually stop cooking professionally. After a year working as a line chef, I was engaged and ready to start a family. I realized that, while I loved cooking, the lifestyle wasn’t suitable for the future I wanted.

My current role at ERA Real Estate is more head chef than line cook. Like anyone else who has elevated their career, I’m no longer on the frontlines of the day-to-day work. But as the director of the vision, the key is to get the right cooks in the kitchen to make sure we achieve success. And this brand is about the family that comes together to get things done.

Marketing involves so many moving parts, and having the right people -- people who are team players -- is key. Leaders can ensure success by understanding that recruiting efforts need to go beyond looking for just any top performers. Someone may be a top performer and have impressive credentials, but if they’re only in it for themselves, your team won’t thrive.

One day, I hope to find a way to cook again, or maybe find a way to combine marketing with cooking. But whether leading a team in the office or leading a team in the kitchen, I know from my experiences that being a team player, especially during the rough times, makes your successes that much sweeter.

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2019-05-10 13:00:00Z

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