
You've been cooking pasta wrong - Italians wince at British habit that ruins flavour - The Mirror

Everyone loves a good pasta dish. Not only is it filling and packed with flavour, but the recipe is easy is make, meaning you won't need to spend hours in the kitchen.

While you may think you've nailed the dish after cooking it consistently over the years, some Italian food experts have revealed the common mistakes we've all been making to the recipe. Some cooking errors include washing off the flavour or using the wrong pasta, according to the food experts from

There's no point cooking a plate of pasta if you're not getting the flavours right, so it's important to add the right amount of seasoning, and veg to the sauce and avoid stripping your pasta of any taste.

Experts advise you should avoid giving your pasta a rinse after cooking as you'll wash off the starch that helps the sauce cling to the pasta. It also means you'll wash away the all-important flavour. Other blunders include adding too much oil to the pasta, which according to experts 'leaves an oily film on the pasta once drained and prevents sauces from clinging to it.'

The sauce is often the tricky part for most people, as it can end up being either too runny or too thick. While many of us opt for a lot of sauce, Italians prefer to coat the pasta, and not smother it. It's also essential to match your sauce with your pasta shapes, which can make all the difference - and keep an eye out on your cooking pot, so your carb doesn't overcook.

Too often you might find that when cooking your delicious meal, you accidentally make far too much pasta and some may go to waste. Portion control is a big problem with this dish in particular, but thankfully an expert has come to our rescue and explained how to avoid cooking too much of the good stuff.

Roberta d'Elia, head chef at Pasta Evangelists in London, has shared her top tips for cooking pasta with the Mirror including exactly how much to serve per person. Roberta, who is originally from Puglia in southern Italy, said: "It's important to control your portions, we normally serve 100g of pasta per person and to cook the pasta to perfection you need enough space in the pan so the pasta can dance in the water.

"You add 100g of pasta to one litre of boiling water and this way the pasta will cook perfectly and you'll have that al dente taste." So if you were cooking for two people, you'd need 200g of pasta and two litres of water.

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2023-10-19 10:40:00Z

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