
BBC Celebrity Masterchef viewers accuse contestant of 'lying' on new show (and aren't convinced he's famous ei - Daily Mail

BBC Celebrity Masterchef viewers accused one contestant of 'lying' on the cooking show last night.

DJ Locksmith, who is the front man of the musical act Rudimental, appeared on the programme yesterday and claimed he had never cooked before.

The musician ended up wowing the judges Gregg Wallace and John Torode with his duck dish and steak meal on the show.

He said: 'I am so gassed. I can't believe I cooked something like that. I came into this competition cool, calm and collected and I've been roped in. I am like, "I want to do well now".'

However many of those watching were left suspiscious by his comments, with one saying: 'Locksmith is one of those Celebrity Master Chef secret cooks. "Oh I never do". Yeah right.' 

BBC Celebrity Masterchef viewers accused DJ Locksmith of 'lying' about how much cooking experience he had on the show last night

Another wrote: 'Locksmith keeps saying he's never cooked, and then demonstrating maybe he has.' 

Meanwhile others questioned his credentials to be on the programme, as they admitted they had never heard of the performer.

One wrote: 'First Jamelia superstar singer? You sure?!! And Locksmith...WHO?!!'

Another commented: 'I'm not familiar with Locksmith's work. Did he sing, "I've got the key, I've got the secret?"'

At the start of the programme, DJ Locksmith claimed he was 'born ready' to appear on the show. 

However he confessed he was not a natural chef, saying: 'I'll burn porridge, I'll burn toast. I'll have to do things three or four times. So that's the kind of cook I am, in a nut shell.'  

In the first challenge, the amateur chefs were asked to go to the front and choose one cloche, which covered a mystery ingredient.

DJ Locksmith said: 'My biggest strength going into the kitchen is going to be believing that I can do anything. But there is a huge reality simmering on the horizon.'

The musician ended up selecting a duck breast to cook, telling the judges: 'I've never cooked duck in my life. I've never cooked beef either. This should be a laugh a minute.'

The contestants were told they had an hour to cook up a dish with their mystery ingredient at the centre of it.

Many of those watching the programme were left questioning whether he had more cooking experience than he had initially said

John said he wanted the dishes to 'tell a story' and 'sing a song.'

He insisted he was 'winging it' with his duck dish, saying he was playing to serve up the breast with sweet potato mash and broccoli. 

He said: 'I'm no cook, I don't even know how to spell it let alone do it.' 

John was impressed, saying: 'He's cooked it really well, he's scoured the skin...maybe he's a natural chef!'

And as they assessed the dish, Gregg told him: 'I'm very, very impressed with your duck cook. You've crisped up the skin and the inside is perfect for me.

'You're showing a good touch because that's very good indeed. The sweet potato, you've done really well.'

At the start of the programme, DJ Locksmith claimed he was 'born ready' to appear on the show - but added he is the 'type of chef' who burns porridge
During the programme, the frontman of the band Rudimental insisted he was 'no cook' and even claimed he 'didn't know how to spell it'

John said: 'You've cooked the sweet potato and duck really well, but the broccoli has been kissed by the water.'

In the second challenge, the contestants were given a brief to cook their idea of a dinner party.

Locksmith said: 'My head is on autopilot at the minute! Autopilot not knowing what I'm doing.'

The DJ revealed he was making steak and chips, as well as apple crumble, insisting he had 'never hosted a dinner party.

John said: 'We're hopefully going to be really impressed by this.' 

And when it came to judging the dish, Gregg said his steak was 'perfect', saying: 'It's beautifully pink and juicy in the middle. 

The DJ insisted he had never hosted a dinner party - before serving up an apparently perfect steak and chips dish
Meanwhile the judges were also impressed by his apple crumble, which he served with vanilla custard

'Gregg said he was a 'chef in the making' and added: 'You by your own admission don't do a great deal of cooking, you have shown a really good touch again here with a lovely piece of steak.'

He said: 'Take it from us, you have something here.'

Meanwhile DJ Locksmith said he was overwhelmed, saying: 'I cannot believe I've cooked something like that.' 

While some questioned whether Locksmith was concealing how much cooking he had done before the programme, others said they were impressed by his efforts.

One wrote: 'Locksmith, well done!' 

Another added: 'Doing the business on Celebrity MasterChef! How do we get an invite to dinner? That steak was perfection!'  

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2023-08-17 09:13:04Z

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