
79 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost - Bored Panda

People often talk about the best cooking practices but sometimes, the tastiest dishes on the tables come from the most creative kitchens.

So, interested in switching things up, Redditor u/Suspicious-Account-9 asked other platform users, "What is one cooking 'rule' that you choose to always ignore?"

From measuring spices to crowding the pan, turns out, many home chefs have developed their own ways of going about the stove.

However, I think it's worth mentioning that this thread isn't meant to teach anyone as much as it serves as a reminder to never stop questioning what and how you are preparing. Experimentation is part of the game and what works for others won't automatically fit your taste buds as well.

With that said, continue scrolling to check out the most popular replies to u/Suspicious-Account-9's question!

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost I make the food how I like it rather than how it's "supposed to be made". I also don't care how another person eats food. If my pal is over and wants a steak charred to a crisp, then enjoy that brick, my friend. Want to slather it in ketchup? Who am I to tell you no? Eat food how you like it rather than how others tell you to eat it.

TrialAndAaron , Farhad Ibrahimzade Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Measuring basically anything not associated with baking. I juust keep seasoning until the spirit of my great grandmother says "Enough, child."

Made a successful career of it!

NaughtyCheffie , Stefan Katrandjiski Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost I eat raw cookie dough, cake batter, etc., because while I understand that salmonella is a risk, it's a pretty small one and I am willing to live dangerously when cookie dough is involved.

reddit , Charisse Kenion Report

‘Soften onions for five minutes’ man they always need longer if u want them browned and soft- also add garlic much later than they suggest.

Suttypotatoboi Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Cooking with olive oil.

I really don't see the point. It cost a lot more and it has such a low smoke point, it's way too easy to burn your oil and then everything tastes weird.

I use vegetable oil for cooking. I keep a bottle of very nice olive oil to drizzle on top of things to finish them after they are cooked or to make the marinade, but i don't cook with it.

Robotick1 , Alexis Antoine Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost I rinse mushrooms. That whole "wipe them gently with a paper towel" bulls**t is bulls**t. Take 2-3 mushrooms, hold them under lukewarm running water and roll them around between your hands, then set them on a rack to drain off any water. They scrub themselves.

ZweitenMal , Pixabay Report

Not really a rule, but almost every damn recipe that calls for caramelizing onions lists the time necessary to perform that at like 5-10 min. Either these people don’t know what caramelizing means or they’re intentionally lying to people to make the recipe seem like it takes less time than it actually does.

Nillion Report

I don't leave my scrambled eggs wet. I mean, I don't cook them until they are rubber or anything, but I want them dry not wet.

ktappe Report

I don't throw pasta at a wall to see if it sticks. Seems like a waste to me. I just eat it to see of its ready.

CommanderShep99 Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Frozen pizza:

Preheat the oven...

If I'm eating frozen pizza it's because I'm too busy/lazy to eat real food that evening.

Turn on the oven, unwrap the pizza, "OK google set timer for (recommended time +4 minutes)"

sloth9 , Stefan C. Asafti Report

See Also on Bored Panda

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost I know risotto looks better when made with white wine but try a mushroom risotto with red wine and elevate it to something richer and more satisfying

bluecoastblue , Yalamber Limbu Report

That whole “how to properly cut an onion” business. I get that in a restaurant kitchen it minimizes waste but I’m just gonna lop off both ends and remove like 1 layer.

AtlEngr Report

Still flabbers my gasts that people rinse off the chicken.

dkajdas Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Steak must be undercooked, so says all the hype…. I will eat mine how I like. Sometimes pink in the middle, sometimes cooked right through but never raw/rare.

Old_Dingo69 , Chad Montano Report

spices that are "old". Not so much regular spices, but some blends I had acquired. When I feel they aren't as fresh, rather than throw them away I use them as additives to a salad dressing.

GrapefruitFriendly30 Report

See Also on Bored Panda

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Searing meat when I make pot roast in an instant pot/crockpot.

I have done it and not done it enough times and it’s not a noticeable enough flavor for me to bother with anymore. I’m content with how it tastes.

SleepyBear3366911 , Ivana Cajina Report

Not mine, but my wife's…

Adding salt to a finished plated dish without tasting it first. Cringe every time.

got86ed Report

30 Bad Cooking Tips People Say They Ignore At All Cost Minced garlic (the stuff in jars) is NOT blasphemy! It's handy and tasty when used properly.

Lots of great take-out places use minced garlic in their dishes, so if you're trying to recreate a favourite dish, it could be the secret ingredient you're missing.

I still use fresh garlic often, but I've gotten off my high horse about the other stuff.

iaskjeeves , popo.uw23 Report

1 garlic clove means one head of garlic! Don't tell me how to garlic!

lowtone94 Report

Beer/wine pairings. I know them, I understand them and I get it. However, at home, I believe that regardless of what the world says, to me, the very best beer/wine to go with meal X is whatever my personal favorite beer/wine happens to be. Does this drink "go" with this meal? Who cares? It's my favorite, of course, it does!!!

LazySumo Report

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