
College Cooking with Evan: Overnight Oats – The Review - University of Delaware Review

Senior reporter

IMG_2203Evan Tridone/THE REVIEW
For a simple and quick breakfast that will be waiting for you in the morning try this delicious overnight oats recipe.

Meal prep is both cost and time effective: perfect for the college student on a budget. For this week, we will be looking at the breakfast side of meal planning, with a couple recipes for overnight oats.

The concept of meal prep is to make a large portion of a particular food that can hold well, and eat it throughout the week. This saves time cooking each day, and it also saves cost on ingredients since you can buy them in larger quantities.

Overnight oats are a great choice for meal prep since there are so many variations on the base recipe that you can do. For example, I made peanut butter cup flavored overnight oats and peppermint flavored overnight oats for my breakfast this week.

A key to overnight oats is a mason jar to put all of the ingredients in. If you don’t have mason jars lying around, you can pick them up at the dollar store for, well, a dollar each. These preserve the ingredients and keep them fresh while combining in your fridge.

This recipe is also one of the easiest to make. All you need to do is measure the ingredients, put them in the jar, shut the lid and shake. Then, after they sit for a night, they’re ready for consumption. The recipes in this article last up to four days, but there are other ones on the internet that can last up to four days.

The peanut butter cup recipe was my favorite between the two. Be sure to add sweetener to this recipe, as the oats can take some of the sweetness out of the mixture. Without some sort of sweetener, the recipe can taste slightly bland.

This recipe provided me with enough food for breakfast almost all week. I found myself eating half of the oats, getting full, and saving the rest for later. As long as the jar is sealed tight, this is perfectly fine to do.

As always, be sure to search for guides on YouTube if needed. It is your best friend and the greatest cooking instructor anyone could ask for.

Servings: 2-4

1/2 cup oats or granola
1/2 cup milk of choice
1/2 cup yogurt or additional milk of choice
sweetener of choice, as desired
1/8 tsp salt
Add all ingredients in a mason jar
Shake well to combine
Refrigerate overnight, stir and enjoy

Mint Chocolate Chip: Add 1/8 to 1/4 tsp pure peppermint extract, depending on desired strength. Stir in 2-4 tsp mini chocolate chips
Peanut Butter Overnight Oats: Add 2 tbsp peanut butter to the recipe. Throw in a handful of mini chocolate chips if desired.

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2019-09-30 03:19:15Z

Bagikan Berita Ini

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